Friday, December 14, 2012

Habitat House

We are building a habitat for humanity home for the Torson family.  This family consist of one person, Colyn Torson, a twenty one year old Computer Softwear Engineer. This house is supposed to be a two bedroom, two bathroom, home that is less than nine hundered square feet. Requirements of Colyn Torson included few/no windows in areas with prevailing winds, heater close to plumbing fixtures, windows facing south on the house, and his kitchen and dining together. These were accomplished when we designed the house. Most of our windows evade prevailing winds making the house able to insulate heat better. We combined the kitchen with the dining to make the room feel more spacy. And our heater is located inbetween most of the plumbing fixtures making it easy to transport water. Some of the design features that we incorperated in the house include Energy Star rated appliances. We also created a crawl space for extra room and it made everything easier to get water to. Even though it was tough to make the house green, meet the requirements of Mr. Torson, and meet the requirements of habitat for humanity, we created a design that pleased all.

Bubble Diagrams:




Dimesioned Floor Plans:


Wall Sections with Labels:

Window and Door Schedule:

Room Schedule With Total Square Footing:

Electrical Plan:

Plumbing Plan With Key:

Water Supply Calc.

 I found, based on the distance from the water source and pipes, that the expected water pressure in the house will be 44.51, which is within the residential limits.

Storm Water Runoff
In the predevelopement, we found the Cf (runoff coefficent factor) to be 1.25 (100 year storm), C (runoff coefficent) to be .1, i(intensity) to be 3.05, and A(area) to be .5 acres. By using the formula Cf x C x i x A, we found the Q to be .2 cfs. The post developement was a little differnt. In the post developement, the i stayed the same at 3.05, and the acres stayed the same at .5. Also the Cf stayed the same at 1.25. The difference was the C. I had to take into account the roof of the house and the asphalt of the drive way. I found the C of each area and averaged them out.  After calculations, I found the C to be .1727. When I used the formula Cf x C x i x A, I found the Q to be .34 cfs.  In the end, we had a difference of .14 cfs.  To account for this change, it is best to use a ditch.

Monday, October 22, 2012

2.3.2 Green Building

1.    Rainfall falls on most parcels of property throughout the world. Describe one method that could be used to collect this natural resource.
One thing you can do is use a rain barrel. This allows you to capture water and use it for other purposes around your house.
2.  Describe an innovative construction method or technique that benefits the environment.
An innovation that you could add would be the use of solar panels. This benifits the enviroment by saving money on electricity bills.
3.   During the construction cycle of the building, materials and components are delivered to the site. List a strategy that you will use to recycle the waste produced during the construction phase. 
By taking the extra materials and recycling, you are saving the enviroment becuase your not being wastefull, plus you are saving yourself money by not having to buy more materials if you can just reuse some.
Website: http//
4.  Energy use is high in commercial buildings. What might a designer do to reduce energy consumption in a building?
You could use a differnt form of lights (maybe LFC) that would reduce your electrical consumption.
5.   Building sites offer natural resources that can be utilized for the life of the building. Describe a method to use a site’s natural resources in the construction of the structure.        
 If you build your building in an area with abudant sources, you can use those to build your buiding which would help reduce the cost.


1.    Describe an original green and sustainable idea that you have. Choose one that is not currently in use as far as you know.
You could create a system that take the waste from when people go to the bathroom, and turn it into a fuel source for your house.
2.    Describe an improvement that you believe could be made to the building where you live. Describe why it is an improvement.
We live in a woods, so if we could use the leaves that fall off the trees as a fuel source for our house we could save money on fuel.

Monday, September 17, 2012

1.2.1 This is Your Career

1.    What is your age?
I am 26 years old.

2.    Where do you live?
I live in Fort Wayne where I have rented an apartment.

3.    What do you like to do outside of work?
Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, going to the lakes, playing cards and hanging out with friends.

4.    What is your job title?
I just recieved my professional liscense for Civil Engineering. Specificly, I am a Structural Engineer.

5.    When and why did you choose your career path?
I chose this career path because I find it very interesting. I have always found building objects and finding ways to make them structuraly sound cool. I decided to to be a Structural Engineer when I first came to college at Purdue University.

6.    What is the name of your company or employer?
I am employed by The Albrecht Group.

7.    Describe your primary duties and skills. [Cite your source(s)]
As a Structural Engineer at The Albrecht Group, some of my duties are gather and review customer specifications, prepare structure design estimates which comply with client’s criteria for strength and deflection, perform structural analysis and design of various structures, design structure connections, base plate, flange plates, arm to pole connections, and other miscellaneous connections, prepare engineering package to issue to Drafting, review engineering and fabrication drawings.


8.    Describe your physical work environment.
My job takes place in an office when I am designing, out of the office when I am collecting reviews and meeting with clients to talk about specifications. My job has many aspects to its enviroment.

9.    What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part is designing the structure and analysing its performance.

10. What is your salary? [Cite your source(s)]
My salary is approxamatly $55,000 a year.


 11. Which accredited school did you first attend, and what was your degree? [Cite your source(s)]
I attended Purdue University and recieved a masters degree in Structural Engineering.


12. Describe in detail three of the courses that you took which are closely related to your current career. [Cite your source(s)]
At college, I took PHYS 17200,  MA 16600, and  ENGR 13100.

PHYS 17200- Introductory calculus-based physics course using fundamental interactions between atoms to describe Newtonian mechanics, conservation laws, energy quantization, entropy, the kinetic theory of gases, and related topics in mechanics and thermodynamics. Emphasis is on using only a few fundamental principles to describe physical phenomena extending from nuclei to galaxies. 3-D graphical simulations and numerical problem solving by computer are employed by the student from the very beginning. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
MA 16600-Vectors in two and three dimensions. Techniques of integration, infinite series, polar coordinates, surfaces in three dimensions. Not open to students with credit in MA 16200. Typically offered Fall Spring.

ENGR 13100- A partnership between Schools and Programs within the College of Engineering, introduces students to the engineering professions using multidisciplinary, societally relevant content. Developing engineering approaches to systems, generating and exploring creative ideas, and use of quantitative methods to support design decisions. Explicit model-development activities (engineering eliciting activities, EEAs) engage students in innovative thinking across the engineering disciplines at Purdue. Experiencing the process of design and analysis in engineering including how to work effectively in teams. Developing skills in project management, engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, and modern engineering tools (e.g., Excel and MATLAB). Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

13. Describe the two courses that you considered most challenging. [Cite your source(s) and include a course listing from the appropriate degree program]
The two classes that were toughest for me were Introductory to Stuctural Mechanics and Structural Analysis I.

Introductory to Structural Mechanics- Credit Hours: 4.00. Loads; structural forms; analysis of axially loaded members, flexural members, torsional members; combined loading conditions; buckling. Basic behavioral characteristics of structural elements and systems illustrated by laboratory experiments. Typically offered Fall Spring.

Structural Analysis I- Credit Hours: 3.00. Stress resultants (reactions, axial forces, shear forces, and bending moments) for beams and framed structures. Deflections of beams and frames by geometric methods (moment-area theorems and applications; conjugate beam analogy). Analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames by classical stiffness methods; slope deflection and moment distribution. Influence functions and their applications. Typically offered Fall Spring.


Even though these were challanging courses, I succeded.

14. What resources did your school have available to help you get through the most difficult courses? [Cite your source(s)]
Purdue had great teachers that were there to help me become my best. All of the resources I need such as study centers and libraries were convienent. I am also a part of a learning community where 20 other students and I could get together to work on classes we had together.


15. Regarding the two most challenging courses, how did you persevere?
Because I was at a great school such as Purdue, with the help of my resources I prevailed with a high grades in my toughest classes.
16. From what school(s) did you receive graduate degrees? [Cite your source(s)]
I recieved my graduate degrees from Purdue University.

17. What was the title or titles of the degree(s)? [Cite your source(s)]
The title of my degree is Structural Engineer.


18.  What licenses do you have and what were the exams required to receive those licenses? [Cite your source(s)]
I have an Indiana Structural Engineer licsence. The test I had to take is called the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam, then the Profesional Engineer Exam, and finally I took the Structural Engineering Exam.

19. How would your clients and co-workers describe you?
They describe me as hardworking and dedicated to my work.

20. What do you hope to accomplish at the conclusion of your career?
I hope to move up the ranks and eventually own my own or manage a structural engineering buisness.

21.  Why should a high school student consider a career in your field?  What important contribution(s) can they make?
Students should consider being a Structural Engineer because it is a fun and always changing job plus the work you do, makes huge contributions to society. This includes making building structuraly sound.

1.    You described a career related to civil engineering and/or architecture. Is this the career field that you are currently most interested in at this stage in your life?
No. I would be more interested in other types such as Enviromental Engineering.

2.    Rank and describe the three most important characteristics that you value in choosing a post-secondary school.
1. They have to be well recognized so when I apply for a job it is easy to be accepted.
2. The school has to teach it well so I know what I am doing when I am in the field.
3. The teachers have to be involved and willing to make us our best.

3.    Rank the following in the order of importance to you regarding a career: job satisfaction; salary; making a difference; level of responsibility; titles; benefits; hours; co-workers; supervisors.  How will a career in civil engineering or architecture satisfy the factor that you ranked highest?
1. Job satisfaction
2. Salary
3. Hours
4. Supervisors
5. Co-workers
6. Level of responsibility
7. benefits
8. Making a difference
9. Titles

A career in civil engineering would satisfy my highest rank becuase I like the type of work and this satisfies me.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

1.1.2 Design Principle and Elements

1) Principle of design: Balance

Justification: This structure shows horizontal balance. It has the same pillars and windows on each side.

2) Principle of design: Balance

Justification: This structure shows horizontal balance. It is identicle on both sides of the building.

3) Principle of design: Emphasis

Justification: This structure shows emphasis on the white structure. When you look at the picture, its what pops out at you.
4) Principle of design: Movement

Justification: This structure shows movement. The way the building is shaped, it cause your eye to move up the building.
5) Principle of design: Balance

Justification: This structure shows horizontal balance because both of the image have the same number of people and design on the window.

6) Principle of design: Rhythem

Justification: This structure shows rhythem in the way the floors repeat the pattern.

7) Principle of design: Unity

Justification: This structure shows unity because of the unity of all of the landscape making the house look great. 

8) Principle of design: Rhythem

Justification: This structure shows rhythem because of the repeating arch shape that repeats down the line.

9) Principle of design: Balance

Justification: This structure shows horizontal balance. The pillars are symetrical on each side and the gold design in the background is balanced also.

10) Principle of design: Contrast

Justification: This structure shows contrast in the colors of the buildings.


In what way do certain elements or principles identify the time period in which astructure was created?

During certain periods of time, specific elements and principles were very popular. By using your common knowledge of the elements they used during certain times, you can guess what time period it came from.

What factors might account for an incorrect identification?

When people make a revival of a time period, it may be very easy to mistake it for the revival and not the real thing.

 Describe an example of a way that design principles and elements could impact thefunction of a building.

3) A building with emphasis and unity might catch your eye and people would be more likely to wonder whats in there.This could help your buisness.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1.1.1 History of Civil Engineering and Architecture

1.     Define civil engineering.
A branch of engineering concerned with the design of public works such as bridges and dams.
2.     Define architecture.
The art or practice of designing and constucting buildings.

3.     Describe the origination of the concept of architecture?
The concept of architecture has been around ever since humans have been building homes. Besides the cavemen using caves, humans have been building homes and using architecture even if they have not know it.

4.     In ancient times how were building materials chosen?
Availability and climate.

5.     Give two examples of vernacular architecture.
Igloo's use ice and snow; Egyptian pyramids use mud and stone

6.     Name and describe the type of system used to create many early buildings.
The Post and Lintel system has been used throughout time. Its a verticle post, and a horizontal lintel.

7.     What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? Mexican pyramids?
Egyptians buried the kings in them;  Mexicans used the pyramids for rituals and others were sacred.

8.     What kind of construction method was used to build the Parthenon? Made a simple sketch to illustrate.
Post and Lintel.

9.     What problem in architecture led to this form of construction?
Post and Lintel allows an entrance and it is a stable way to support the roof.

10. Explain how an arch is created.
Blocks are placed in a curved formation and at the top where they connect is a key stone.

11.  How is the vault used in civil engineering?
For the construction of bridges, walkways, and other passages.

12.  Give an example of an arch and dome system.
The Roman Collusium and gothic cathedrals.
13.  Give an example of a modern material we have that was not available to the ancients. How did this restrict construction in ancient times?
We have steel today which is light weight and strong. They were restricted because the strong materials they used were heavy and would cause a building to collapse under its own weight.

14.  What was the purpose of the Roman aqueducts?
It delivered water to a town or place of need.

15.  Compare ancient Greek roads to ancient Roman roads.
Greek roads were built to transport goods whild the Romans used roads to transport troops.

16. Describe an ancient Roman bridge.
They were the first large and lasting bridges built. They were built with stone and used arches as their main structure.

17. How did building materials and methods change after the Romans?
They created better roads and people began to use arches and domes.

1.     Give an example of a modern pyramid not shown in the presentation. How does its function differ from that of the Egyptian pyramids? What do you think accounts for this difference?
Great Pyramid of Cholula. Thsese pyramids are dedicated to the gods, not to pharows. This difference is due to religion. 

2.     Give an example of a modern structure that uses an arch and dome system.
The golden dome

3.     What is the main purpose of modern roads? How is the cost of modern roadways defrayed?
To transport goods and people across the country or to your destination. It is defrayed by taxes.