Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Activity 3.1.2 Land Use and Development Regulations

1.    Identify the Building Code that applies in Noblesville by reviewing Section 154.04 Adoption of Rules by Reference in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances.
Indiana Building Code
2.    Visit the Indiana Association of Building Officials website at and follow the link to Current Codes. On which model code is the current Indiana Building Code based?
2006 International Building Code
3.    Using the International Building Code, find the Use and Occupancy classification of the proposed new Keystone Building.
A-3 Assembly uses intended for worship, recreation or amusement and other assembly uses not classified elsewhere in Group A including, but not limited to:
4.    Using the International Building Code, describe each of the four types of construction. Based on the existing structure, under which of these types of construction could the Keystone Building fall? See section 503.1.
Types I and II. Types I and II construction are those types of construction in which the building elements listed in Table 601 are of noncombustible materials, except as permitted in Section 603 and elsewhere in this code.
Type III. Type III construction is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of any material permitted by this code. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less.
Type IV. Type IV construction (Heavy Timber, HT) is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces. The details of Type IV construction shall comply with the provisions of this section. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies with a 2-hour rating or less. Minimum solid sawn nominal dimensions are required for structures built using Type IV construction (HT). For glued-laminated members the equivalent net finished width and depths corresponding to the minimum nominal width and depths of solid sawn lumber are required as specified in Table 602.4.
Type V. Type V construction is that type of construction in which the structural elements, exterior walls and interior walls are of any materials permitted by this code.
The construction may fall in Type IV 5.    Compare the allowable Building Heights and Areas (IBC 2009 Table 503) for the Keystone Library using different construction types. What is the least restrictive construction type that can be used for the Keystone Library? Is a fire-protective layer required over the structural elements? Note: The letter A indicates that the structural members are protected by a fire-rated coating or cover (sheetrock, spray on, or another approved method). The letter B indicates that the structural members are not protected by an additional fire-rated coating or cover.
Type 5 A. No additional fire protective layer required.
6.    What materials do you propose to use for the new interior walls and floor for the Keystone Building? Justify your answer.
Any material is good enough becasue the outside is stong enough, you could use cynderblocks or wood depending on how you feel.
7.    Use the IBC to determine the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1004) for the Keystone Building assuming a second floor is added per the Keystone Library Renovation Preliminary Building plans (see Revit file). For now, conservatively assume that the second floor is entirely stacks and that the first floor is entirely reading rooms. In addition, because there is currently no plan to include an outside stairway to the roof, assume that the occupants of the green roof must exit through the 2nd floor. The building inspector has determined, based on the planned use of the green roof as additional reading area, that the occupant load for the green roof may be based on the requirements for reading rooms.
Reading Room- 178, Stacking Floor- 47
8.    The occupant load is used to determine the minimum egress width for the building. Use the IBC to determine the required total egress width (IBC 2009 Section 1005) for the Keystone Building including the second floor.
47 inches  
9.    What is the minimum number of exits required for the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1021)?
2 Exits per floor
10. Read IBC 2009 Section 1021.2. Is it permissible to have only a single exit from the ground floor? From the second floor? Justify your answers.
Only one exit shall be required from Group R-3 occupancy buildings or from stories of other buildings as indicated in Table 1021.2. Occupancies shall be permitted to have a single exit in buildings otherwise required to have more than one exit if the areas served by the single exit do not exceed the limitations of Table 1021.2. Mixed occupancies shall be permitted to be served by single exits provided each individual occupancy complies with the applicable requirements of Table 1021.2 for that occupancy. Where applicable, cumulative occupant loads from adjacent occupancies shall be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 1004.1. Basements with a single exit shall not be located more than one story below grade plane. The answers to the following questions should be researched in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances and the Noblesville Zoning Map.

11. In which zoning designation does the Keystone building property lie? (Refer to the Keystone Library Site Location Map to help locate the site on the zoning map.)
 Planned Buisness Zoning
12. Describe the purpose of this zoning designation. Document your answer with a section number from the code.
 The purpose of the PB District is to encourage well-planned business uses. 159.107
13. What is the minimum lot size within this designation? Does the Keystone Property meet this requirement? Document your answer with a section number of the code.
 20000 square feet. 159.107. Yes it meets the requirement
14. What is the maximum building height according to the Noblesville ordinance?
 3 stories or 35 feet
15. Read Section 159.120 of the Noblesville Code of Ordinances. Record any information that is important to the redevelopment of the Keystone building.
   The regulations within each district shall be minimum regulations and shall apply uniformly, except as hereinafter provided. Allowable Use of Land and Building.Property Access.  Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be located on a lot with frontage and access on a street, and provide for safe and convenient access, fire protection, and required off-street parking, except as otherwise provided in.  
16. Is the Use proposed in Keystone Building Project permitted on this property?  Document your answer.
 The use proposed in Keystone Building Project is permitted. 159.120 section A.
17. When developing a property, when is landscaping and screening required?
(1)     Interior parking lot islands;
          (2)     Perimeter parking lot buffering;
          (3)     Buffering for non-residential uses abutting residential uses;
          (4)     Surrounding outdoor storage and waste disposal areas;
          (5)     Other situations as required in this chapter or as determined by the Director of Planning and Development, Technical Advisory Committee, Plan Commission, or Board of Zoning Appeals, as applicable.


  1. i think this is reawlly rteally silly and maybe you shouldnt even be doing this type of thing you are a sucker for the ploy that is capitalism and you might as well p e r i s h

  2. so.... i think u r rly rly cute.... can u give me ur number ;) xd im kinda shy

  3. sry was that too forward this is akawkward but i just think... you and i ... we could have something special..... u and me ... me and u... in this city alone with no one else... what do u say babe

  4. wait im so embarrassed this is so embarrassing.... i love you

  5. we are only 3 hours and 27 minutes past the funny time
